anthropophagic house, 2024 beeswax and resin fake teeth 14.5 x 12 x 14 cm

anthropophagic house, 2024 beeswax and resin fake teeth 14.5 x 12 x 14 cm
no drama, 2021-2024 text on wallvariable dimensions With the installation No Drama (2021-2024), Sartuzi playfully pokes fun at the very idea of drama. The dry text referring to a popular song from the 2000s (“My Humps” from the Black Eyed Peas, 2005) could be read as singing. The repetition of the negation creates rhythm, and the […]
AD MR, 2024oil on linen and aluminium special frame 32 x 32 x 3.5 cm The painting is a reading of a drapery study, made in 1508, by Albercht Dürer (1471 – 1528) for the altarpiece commissioned by Jakob Heller (known as the Heller Altar) in 1507 and completed in 1509. The painting was eventually removed […]
Skeleton Tap Dance, 2023Steel, Wood, 3D Printed Resin, Arduino, Servo Motors43.5 x 35 x 52 cm Exhibition History: �’s 74th Birthday Party, Plicnik Space Initiative, London (2024)Spectral, The Cookhouse Gallery, London (2023)Spinning Yarns, ArtHub, London (2023)
hands movie, 2023video, B&W, no soundsteel structure and monitor 06’19” | 40 x 39 x 36,5 cm The “Hands Movie” is a choreography for two hands. Paying a direct homage to Yvonne Rainer’s video (shot in a hospital bed while recovering from surgery), the hands are controlled as puppets on strings. When the two hands […]
Curtain (after Fontana), 2023velvet and pins34,8 × 42 × 3 cm13.70 × 16.54 × 1.18 in
Four Curtains, 2023steel, velvet, microcontroller, stepper motor, cables152 × 46 × 46 cm 59.8 × 18 × 18 in
Skeleton Dance, 20233D printed resin, strings, wood, arduino,transducer speaker, servo motors, curtainvariable dimensions skeleton 48,5 × 23 × 18 cm [19.09 × 9.06 × 7.09 in]
Proscenium, 2023wood, 3D printed resin, LED, arduino12,5 × 40,5 × 11 cm | 4.92 × 15.94 × 4.33 in
Curtain, 2023velvet and pins on wood170 × 120 × 43 cm66.93 × 47.24 × 16.93 in