dedinhos, 2021polyester resin, durepoxy, steel, metal drill and zip tie 18 x 9.6 x 11 cm

dedinhos, 2021polyester resin, durepoxy, steel, metal drill and zip tie 18 x 9.6 x 11 cm
hollow head doll’s foamvideo-installation in three channels43’00” in collaboration with Quina Filmes Through various devices that animate objects, “hollow head doll’s foam” is a theatrical play without human actors that explores the uncanny possibilities of projecting a body into anthropomorphic objects. One of the key points that permeates the debate proposed by “hollow head” is […]
Worstward Ho!, 2020 HD video, color, sound06’50” Text: Samuel BeckettInterpretation: Miro BersiSound design: Bruno Palazzo Commissioned by Instituto Moreira Salles Worstward Ho! establishes a relationship between the experience of isolation and the internal experience with the eponymous text by Samuel Beckett from 1983. The video traverses, in a slow and continuous movement, the space of […]
Lovebirds, 2023light bulbs, ceramic lamp holder, cable, arduino and relay20 x 9 x 20 cm Lovebirds is a small floor piece consisting of two light bulbs in a nest of cable. The lamps communicate with each other, going on and off. They are connected to opposite poles of the same switch, meaning that they are […]
hollow head doll’s foam, 2019theatrical play without actors43’00” aprox. Through various devices that animate objects in the absence of actors, hollow head doll’s foam explores the uncanny possibilities of projecting a body into anthropomorphic objects. Without indicating a protagonist and a traditional narrative development, the fragments of (non) events make the viewer’s attention dispersed between the desynchrony […]
rrrrrrrr, 2018polyurethane resin and false nails17.5 x 14.8 x 17.5 cm in collaboration with Ana Matheus Abbade installation views: faço pé e mão at arte_passagem
essay, h, 2017video HD, color, sound04’54” The video takes place within the delimited space of the interior of an apartment. In addition to the ordinary events that the environment houses, some projections of other spaces appear, indicating places of desire. The activity of exploring, alone, virtual environments, is a way of projecting or fantasizing different […]
Dollhouse Gallery, 2020Virtual Tour / Viewing Room / Website [For a better experience use a computer or tablet] Dollhouse Gallery is a contemporary art gallery that presents itself as an artistic speculation. A work and its means of exhibition at the same time, the exhibition as a work. It is evident that the conditions and […]
Night and Day, 2020 HD video, color, sound4’44” A camera travels through an apartment. In its slow and continuous movement, it reveals a reconstituted space through photogrammetry – which generates a virtual reconstruction of the real space with eventual reading errors. This phantasmatic point of view observes an empty environment, marked by a feeling of […]
column (heads), 2018latex and iron125 x 23 x 23 cm