dedinhos, 2021polyester resin, iron, screw and nut8.4 x 10 x 4.8 cm

dedinhos, 2021polyester resin, iron, screw and nut8.4 x 10 x 4.8 cm
disasters, 2022paraffin and oil paint on iron shelf 50 x 13 x 10 cm [19 5⁄8 x 5 x 4 in.]
bouquet, 2021wire, doll’s eye and clay 16 x 24 x 8 cm “Bouquet” is a small piece for the floor. As a kind of exagerated Santa Luzia, the work puts together a handful of flowers with a lot of eyes that can cause some panic for those who have tripophobia. The bouquet is tied with […]
carinho machine (prototype), 2022aluminum, stepper motor, Arduino and doll’s hand26 x 18 x 9 cm [10 1⁄4 x 7 x 3 1⁄2 in.] “carinho machine (prototype)” is a mechanical arm that caresses the other. The word in Portuguese is used with a specific meaning that combines both the action “to caress” and a special kind […]
vultures, 2022oil on canvas18 x 24 cm
The Thing, 2021Mannequin hand, steel, synchronous motor28 x 18 x 21 cm A mannequin’s hand has its fingers dismembered and then grafted back into the hand. Some of the fingers take on different movements – linear or rotational movement– so that the hand moves. Three low-revving continuous motion motors that can move to either side […]
no name, 2022 voil, thread, cable tray, stepper motor, arduino, sewing bobbinvariable dimensions installation view at Pivô Arte Pesquisa, São Pauloand “Vaudeville”, Galeria Pedro Cera, Lisboa
The Kardashians, 2021Steel, latex and digital print 188 x 20 x 26 cm installation view: SUPER-NATURAL, at Olhão, São Paulo
A. And A again. auroras, São Paulo 31.07 – 02.10 2021 click here to access auroras’ website Paula Alzugaray – A casa e seu duplo (Select) The curtains open, there is an attempt to enunciate something that results only in a vibration, or even this imperative to speak makes it impossible to end a discussion. […]
curtain, 2021oil on canvas and velvet 24 x 18 cm [9.5 x 7 in] installation view “A. And A again.” at auroras, São Paulo