Ilê Sartuzi (1995, lives and works between London and São Paulo) is an artist graduated from the University of São Paulo (USP) and with an MFA from Goldsmiths, University of London. He received the PIPA Award (Brazil, 2021), the prize at the Bienal de Artes Mediales (Chile, 2022), and has been nominated twice for the CIFO-Ars Electronica award (USA-Austria, 2022-2023).
With a conceptual and research-based approach, my practice involves sculptural objects, mapped video projections, mechatronic installations, tricks, theatrical plays (and more) toying with the idea of animating objects and infrastructural elements. The interest in the dramatic arts has given a theatricality to these objects and installations which are animated by mechanical movements and interpret dramaturgy and choreographies; often in an exercise of repetition that leads to no catharsis but, instead, begin to reveal the functioning of the machines themselves. Meaning, often operating with an empty centre of attention or unidirectional meaning – the idea of absence is recurrent – these systems play with opacity and transparency showing nothing but their own functioning, their internal logics of communication and power relations. More recently, procedures of misdirection and sleight of hand with a special interest for investigating institutional infrastructure were incorporated to the research. Evidentially, in a similar realm, issues relating to the circulation in the art system (and its tropes) and site-specificity are also explored.
These autonomous devices not only replace human actors, they usually perform for no one but themselves, thus speculating about a possible post-anthropocenic scenario. Within this theatrical atmosphere, the instability and flaws in these fragile machines add some kind of personality to their performances. It should be noted that despite the theatricality, the minimalist procedures are usually surgical (simple and precise) offering little room to overtly dramatical situations. They share qualities with the figure of the trickster: as manipulative as they can be, there’s always the elegance of a well-performed “legerdemain”.
Some of his recent solo exhibitions and projects include “Vaudeville” at Pedro Cera (Lisbon, 2023); “hollow head doll’s foam” at SESC Pompéia (São Paulo, 2022) and “A. And A again.” at auroras (São Paulo, 2021). He has participated in exhibitions at some of the most important institutions in Brazil, such as Pinacoteca do Estado de São Paulo (2021, 2023); Videobrasil (2021); Museu Oscar Niemeyer (2022); Bienal SUR (2021); Instituto Moreira Salles (2020); SESC (Pompéia, 2022; Pinheiros, 2022; Ribeirão Preto, 2019; Distrito Federal, 2018); CCSP – Centro Cultural São Paulo (2018); MAC-USP Museu de Arte Contemporânea (2017); Museu de Arte de Ribeirão Preto (2020; 2017; 2015); Galeria Vermelho (2017; 2018, 2019); all three in collaboration with the research group After the End of Art, which he has been part of from 2015 to 2021. His work has been featured in some of the main newspaper and art publication including The New York Times, The Guardian, The Art Newspaper, ArtReview, Artforum, Hyperallergic, Folha de São Paulo (among others) and is in public and private collections including that of Pinacoteca do Estado de São Paulo, coleção moraes-barbosa, Instituto PIPA, Videobrasil and the British Museum.
some common procedures: opening, rotating, dragging, blinking, vibrating with an slightly uncomfortable hiss of the motors. repeating, replacing, closing, pulling, scaling, talking and laughing, once again, pinning, draping and cutting, composing. still, moving, spinning, groping, falling, animating, programming and acting. multiplying, rearranging, opening, rotating and blinking. no show. frequent characters: the curtain, the ghost, the hand (and fingers), lamp bulbs, light, mannequins and other anthropomorphic objects.
Master in Fine Arts
Fellowship, Assistant to Director of Research from the Art Department
Bachelor in Fine Arts
(2015 – 2021) Research group – After the End of Art
with Prof. Dr. Dora Longo Bahia
(2024) Research group – Criminal Values
with Prof. Dr. Mike Cooter and Prof. Dr. Nicholas Simcik Arese,
a collaboration between the Architectural Association (AA)
and Sotheby’s Institute of Art (London)
“Images of otherness in the work of Henri Matisse”
thesis advisor Prof. Dr. Sônia Salzstein
(2019) INSTITUTO TOMIE OHTAKE | Escola Entrópica
with Paulo Miyada and Pedro França
(2020) GAIA – Grupo de Arte e Inteligência Artificial
Group of Art and Artificial Intelligence
(2013) RUSSIAN ACADEMY OF ART (Florence, Italy)
2025 trick, Museum of Contemporary Art, São Paulo (upcoming)
2023 vaudeville, Pedro Cera, Lisbon
2022 cabeça oca espuma de boneca, SESC Pompéia, São Paulo
2021 A. E A de novo. auroras, São Paulo
2020 Dollhouse Gallery, Dollhouse Gallery
2019 cabeça oca espuma de boneca, firma, São Paulo
2024 in the coulisse, Night Café Gallery, London
GIRLS AND BOYS, Wild Trumpets, London
2021 Nhonhô, Videobrasil, São Paulo
2018 Faço pé e mão, arte_passagem, São Paulo
Sleight of Hand [as part of] Goldsmiths, University of London [degree show], London
Making Expansive, Austrian Cultural Forum, London
Summer Show, Pedro Cera, Lisbon
Great Expectations, General Assembly Gallery, London
Rio, e também posso chorar, Casa de Cultura do Parque, São Paulo
Phygital, Centro Cultural PGE-RJ, Rio de Janeiro
�’s 74th Birthday Party, Plicnik Space Initiative, London
Chão da Praça, Pinacoteca do Estado de São Paulo, São Paulo
Hybrid Mirrors, The Wrong Biennale (Embassy)
Spectral, The Cookhouse Gallery, London
Taste the difference, Hypha Studios, London
Spinning Yarns, ArtHub, London
Desvairar 22, SESC Pinheiros, São Paulo
Ópera citoplasmática, Museu Oscar Niemeyer, Curitiba
Por detrás da retina, Instituto Inclusartiz, Rio de Janeiro
Apocalypse Now, Projeto Vênus, São Paulo
Setas e turmalinas, Casa de Cultura do Parque, São Paulo
O cru e o cozido, Galeria Athena, Rio de Janeiro
Uma mão lava a outra, OLHÃO, São Paulo
Aquisições recentes: Coleção Instituto PIPA, Paço Imperial, Rio de Janeiro
Ninguém teria acreditado, Pinacoteca do Estado de São Paulo
Notes on some dysfunctionality, Homeostasis.lab
Tropic 23º 26’14’’ S – Visualizing Spatial Data, Homeostasis.lab
SUPER-NATURAL, Olhão, São Paulo
SUPER-NATURAL, BPA, Colônia (Alemanha)
Factors 8, Bienal SUR / Labart UFSM
Arte e Tecnologia: uma revolução em curso, State, São Paulo
IMS Convida, IMS – Instituto Moreira Salles
Ao Ar, Livre, Tiago de Abreu Pinto
SARP, Museu de Arte de Ribeirão Preto
Tá me vendo? Tá me ouvindo?, Casa Niemeyer, Brasília
Mostra de Arte da Juventude, SESC Ribeirão Preto
os dois a 80km/h…, Caixa Preta, Rio de Janeiro
Precipitações: ArteLondrina7, UEL – Universidade Estadual de Londrina
Nascente, Centro Universitário Maria Antonia, São Paulo
DESFILÃO de_passagem, arte_passagem, São Paulo
O Grande Susto, cc espaço, São Paulo
Amarradona, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo
migalhas, galeria o quarto, São Paulo
Ocupação 9 de Julho, São Paulo
PAREDÃO, CCSP – Centro Cultural São Paulo, São Paulo
VERBO, Galeria Vermelho, São Paulo
Ruído e ausência contínuos, Galeria Sancovsky, São Paulo
Bienal das Artes, SESC-DF, Brasília
Aonde Vamos?, Galeria Lume, São Paulo
Interface2, Interface, Rio de Janeiro
Ainda não, Galeria Vermelho, São Paulo
Subsessões: Avenida Paulista, MASP – Museu de Arte de São Paulo, São Paulo
Programa de Exposições 2017, MARP – Museu de Arte de Ribeirão Preto, Ribeirão Preto
Novas Poéticas 2017, Galeria Cañizares, Salvador
25ª Programa Nascente, MAC-USP – Museu de Arte Contemporânea da Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo
24º Salão de Artes Plásticas de Praia Grande, Palácio das Artes, Praia Grande
Transformandos, MAC-USP – Museu de Arte Contemporânea da Universidade de São Paulo (Cid. Universitária), São Paulo
Programa de Exposições 2015, MARP – Museu de Arte de Ribeirão Preto, Ribeirão Preto
40º Salão de Arte de Ribeirão Preto (SARP), MARP – Museu de Arte de Ribeirão Preto, Ribeirão Preto
Salão de Artes Visuais de Vinhedo, Vinhedo (Menção Honrosa do Júri)
I Salão de Artes Plásticas Solar dos Andradas, São Paulo (Troféu Solar dos Andradas)
23º Salão Curitibano, Curitiba
22º Salão de Artes de Mococa, Mococa
2020 Terra Tu Pátria, MIToff, São Paulo
2019 Terra Tu Pátria, TUSP, São Paulo
Terra Tu Pátria, Teatro de Contêiner, São Paulo
Terra Tu Pátria, Itaú Cultural, São Paulo
2018 Terra Tu Pátria, Oficina Oswald de Andrade, São Paulo
2023 Semana del Cine Latinoamericano, El Cultral San Martín, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Festival PLAY, Corrientes, Argentina
14 Feria Internacional de Arte Contemporáneo Ch.ACO, Santiago, Chile
16 Bienal de Artes Mediales TRUENO, Cineteca Nacional de Chile, Santiago, Chile
2022 Juan Downey International Contest, Bienal De Artes Mediales, Santiago, Chile
9no Corriente, Encuentro Latinoamericano de Cine de no ficcíon, Arequipa, Peru
2021 Juan Downey Prize Finalists, Onda Media, ARTV, Santiago, Chile
NaVaranda, Casa de Cultura do Parque, São Paulo
Imersões: arte e arquitetura, Rio de Janeiro
2020 Night and Day, Olhão, São Paulo
Arte como Respiro, Itaú Cultural
Audiovisual sem destino, Galeria A Sala
2025 Ybytu, São Paulo
2022 Pivô Arte Pesquisa, São Paulo
2020 Olhão, São Paulo
2024-25 Goldsmiths (University of London) Junior Fellowship, UK
2023-24 Hopper Prize, USA (shortlisted)
2023 CIFO-Ars Electronica Award, USA and Austria (nominated)
2022 XV Prêmio Juan Downey, Bienal de Artes Mediales, Chile
CIFO-Ars Electronica Award, USA and Austria (nominated)
2021 PIPA Prize, Brasil
2018-2019 FAPESP Research Scholarship, Brasil
Co-creator and organizer of arte_passagem: an artistic occupation of a showcase in downtown São Paulo, where, periodically, an artist is invited to intervene through proposals that dialogue with the surroundings of the city center, its stores and its passersby. The project, which began in June 2018, seeks to create a program that expands traditional ways of thinking about art in contemporary times, and proposes a specific challenge for artists or groups of artists. Therefore, thinking about the conditions of the shop window as a display device, of any type of product, is one of the reflections that artists inevitably go through.
2021 QUINTELLA, Pollyana. Nothing Happens. Prêmio PIPA, Rio de Janeiro
OSORIO, Luiz Camillo. Interview with Ilê Sartuzi. Prêmio PIPA, Rio de Janeiro.
PITTA, Fernanda. Ninguém teria acreditado: Alvim Corrêa e 10 artistas
contemporâneos. Pinacoteca do Estado de São Paulo, São Paulo.
2023 BRENNER, Fernanda. Vaudeville. Pedro Cera, Lisbon
2022 MESQUITA, Tiago. No one, but flayed skin. SESC Pompéia, São Paulo
2021 FARKAS, Solange. Nhonhô. Videobrasil, São Paulo
2024 ATON, Francesca. Brazilian Artist Steals Historic Coin From the British Museum as Part of Art Project. published on July 15th 2024 on ARTnews
BASCIANO, Oliver. How to Steal From the British Museum: A Brazilian Artist’s Guide. Published on July 16th 2024 on ArtReview
BIERENS, Maribelle. Ilê Sartuzi “steals” historical coin from the British Museum. Published on July 16th 2024 on Where’s The Frame
D’ALANCAISEZ, Pierre. Art as Collateral. Published on August 7th 2024 on The Critic
FELDMAN, Ella. This Art Student Stole a Coin From the British Museum – and Dropped It in the Donation Box. published on July 25th 2024 on the Smithsonian Magazine.
GILMOUR, Claire Isabella. An artist has stolen a coin from the British Museum as part of a performance piece – but is the artwork ethical? Published on July 26th 2024 on The Conversation
HUERTES, Sarah. Art Student Pulls Off a (Very Brief) Coin Heist at the British Museum. published on July 23rd 2024 on The New York Times
KHOMAMI, Nadia. Brazilian artist swaps historical coin in British Museum for a fake. published on July 22nd 2024 on The Guardian
MACÊDO, Vinicius. Brasileiro furta moeda histórica no Museu Britânico e deposita na caixa de doações para alertar sobre ‘pilhagem’ na arte. published on July 16th 2024 on O Globo
MOFFITT, Evan. Another object has been stolen from the British Museum – but this time by an artist. published on July 15th 2024 on The Art Newspaper
MOLITOR, Felipe. O mágico, a moeda, a sala do dinheiro e as negociações simbólicas de Sleight of Hand. In: Crítica Infraestrutural. São Paulo: Celeste, N.02, 2024.
MOUNT, Harry. Artist swaps historic British Museum coin for one he faked using egg and coffee. Published on July 28th 2024 on The Sunday Times.
MUZAFFAR, Maroosha. Brazilian art student swaps Civil War coin at British Museum in colonial artefacts protest. published on July 23rd 2024 on Independent
RICHTER, Hani. Artist swaps British Museum coin with fake. published on July 23rd 2024 on Reuters
ROCHA, Matheus. Um passe de mágica. published online on July 31st 2024 and printed on August 6th 2024 on Folha de São Paulo
SWARD, Brandon. Brazilian Conceptual Artist Steals Historic Coin From the British Museum. published on July 12th 2024 on Hyperallergic
2023 SILVA, Luis. Vaudeville. ArtNexus, No. 121, pp. 127-128.
2022 GG, João. Um causo perturbador: retalhos de Ilê Sartuzi. Revista Rosa, No. 2, Vol. 5
2021 MORAES, Carolina. Palacete refeito com tecnologia mostra como o poder se atualiza. Folha de São Paulo.
FERRAZ, Alice. Arte e tecnologia em sintonia. O Estado de S. Paulo. 14.10.2021
GARCIA, Giulia. Da ancestralidade às novas tecnologias. Arte!Brasileiros.
GARCIA, Giulia. Um giro em falso. Arte!Brasileiros.
FERRAZ, Marcos Grinspum. Muito além da história de um casarão. Arte! Brasileiros.
ALZUGARAY, Paula. A casa e seu duplo. Select.
MUNIZ, Leandro. A revisão de um passado contínuo. Select.
ZANFER. Gustavo. Documentário conta a história de São Paulo através de casarão histórico. Jornal da USP.
ROCHA, Camilo. O que um minidoc sobre um casarão diz a respeito de São Paulo. NEXO. 17.03.2021
2020 BEIGUELMAN, Giselle; MUNIZ, Leandro. Night and Day. Select.
MOREYRA, Mercedes López. Nuevxs Formatxs. Relieve Contemporáneo.
YUNES, Camila. Conheça quatro artistas que produzem para o ambiente digital. Vogue Gente. 20.07.2020
2019 KUGELMAS, Ricardo. Ateliê Aberto. GQ
2024 SARTUZI, Ilê. Lies and more lies. Wild Trumpets, London
2023 SARTUZI, Ilê. Some propositions for museum’s security systems. Revista Rosa, No.1 Vol.8
2021 SARTUZI, Ilê. YOGA. O Turvo, Vol. 01